Thank you for visiting the Governors’ section of the Bexley Music website. It is the Board’s policy to allow open access to as much information as possible about the work of the Board and I hope you will find what you need.

Board members are volunteers, playing an important part in setting the strategic direction of the Trust. The Board ensures accountability for the use of public funds through monitoring and evaluating the Trust's performance.

Putting pupils at the heart of governance is critical and this is a key focus of the work of the Board.

The Board encourages the recruitment of Governors from all sections of the community and applications are always welcomed from people of all cultural backgrounds with a range of skills and experience.

If you would like further information on the work of the Board, or wish to make an application to become a Governor, then please make contact with our Clerk on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

For further information please click here