19th June 2021

In anticipation of their upcoming Lesnes Abbey Proms performance, the Bexley Youth Orchestra, Bexley Youth Band and Little Big Band travelled to Suffolk for an action-packed weekend away at the PGL Bawdsey Manor Adventure Centre.

Our student musicians and teachers enjoyed buggy making, where they teamed up to construct actual moving vehicles and took trip up Jacob’s ladder – which is a staircase of suspended logs where the students were encouraged to communicate effectively to reach the top.

Thrill seeking members of the group were treated to a plummeting ten-metre drop on the high swing, an activity designed to strengthen a team’s communication skills, as their peers took charge of the ripcord that releases the swing.

On a calmer note, the group took the opportunity to enjoy the Suffolk coastline with walks along the beach, a fantastic opportunity to relax and find the perfect skimming stones.

These activities were a great way to gear up to band and orchestra rehearsals, which were held in the stunning Manor Hall, with a grand white fireplace contrasting the rich dark wood panelling of the classic setting. This inspirational venue inspired the orchestra and bands to create some fantastic music, while the team building activities cemented the bond that helps the young musicians play so harmoniously.

The Lesnes Abbey Proms promises to be a landmark performance for Bexley Music. Not only will it enable the new academic year to start with a bang, but it also marks their first live performances since February 2020, just prior to the first Covid lockdown.

Julie Stanning, Head of Bexley Music said: “The weekend was such a wonderful opportunity to bring the young people back together again musically and socially - they sounded fantastic. The staff of Bexley Music feels so privileged to work with such a talented and genuinely amazing group of young people. A huge thank you to Bexley Music staff for making the music residential trip such a success. I was reassured that things were back to normal when I received a solitary text over the course of the weekend: 'funniest time ever!”