17th June 2022

 Andrew Raybould, Deputy Headteacher writes:

We were delighted to embark on a tour of Jersey in the Channel Islands at the start of June. The Concert Orchestra and Intermediate Band set sail from Poole Harbour on a damp Monday morning to be greeted by bright sunshine 4 hours later upon arrival in the port of St Helier.

The young musicians did us all proud as they presented concerts at Mont Orgueil Castle (Gorey Castle), St Helier Methodist Church and Howard Davis Park. In two of the concerts the orchestra and band were joined by Crosfields School choir from Reading. This was a great collaboration, and it provided the opportunity for the young people to make many new friends through music.

In between concerts and rehearsals, the ensembles enjoyed some social time – going bowling, having a pizza evening and spending time on the beach. The German War Tunnels were another activity which fascinated the young people as we took in a famous Jersey historic attraction. A very early departure on Friday saw all the musicians safely arrive back on the mainland feeling tired but thoroughly proud of the fantastic performances that had been delivered.

We are all so proud of the young people who continue to prove that Music is educational, Music is Fun, and Music is for everyone to enjoy.