27th May 2022


To celebrate 1 year of Bexley Music being part of London South East Academies Trust, the Senior Leadership Team share their thoughts on this transistion.

Madelaine Caplin, Director of School Improvement and Bexley Music

Who would have thought back in March 2020 that so many things we took for granted would change and would change so quickly? Although many services survived the economic fallout of a country in lockdown, sadly many others did not. One of the organisations under threat at that time was the music service in Bexley. However, it must be said that there are also times when enforced change means that great new things can come out of adversity.

And so, it has proved to be the case here. Bexley Music joined London South East Academies Trust in April 2021 – one year ago. Since then, so much has happened. The newly renamed service: Bexley Music, joined the Trust as we were developing our One Trust culture. Staff and pupils fitted seamlessly into their new world, new location at Belmont Academy and a new way of working. Bexley Music staff created a safe and sustainable working environment both online and face to face so that music tuition andLesnes Abbey Performanceprovision could carry on despite the restrictions placed on us all. We quickly learned where to get specialist screens made to separate pupils and their tutors and protective measures for wind and brass instruments. We got used to carrying boxes of cleaning equipment with us wherever we went. We taught virtually, in spaced out-groups, and held summer recitals on the field at Belmont so parents could see how their children had been spending their time. Staff remained resolutely positive, proactive and creative. The first taste of live music in September 2021 was a real joy for audience members. Based at Lesnes Abbey, a glorious setting. Band members were received by an enthusiastic audience who had been starved of opportunities like this for far too long. It was clear that the power of music to enrich and improve lives still held.

Since then, Bexley Music has gone from strength to strength. The team has expanded. More schools are making use of the service and concerts and tours are back. The varied programme for all ages is accessible through the revamped website feedback from parents, schools and pupils is positive. So, Happy Birthday Bexley Music. A most welcome and treasured addition to The Trust. Let’s look forward to many years of high-quality music-making ahead.

Julie Stanning, Headteacher

Experiencing the welcome and support from London South East Academies Trust staff has been such an encouraging highlight of our first year as part of London South East Academies Trust. There is a strong sense of belonging and a genuine commitment to helping us thrive, through new opportunities and initiatives. We settled quickly into our new home at Belmont Academy, having been welcomed wholeheartedly by Belmont staff and pupils, and we are really seeing the impact that this space is having on our ability to reach a broader group of children and young people as well as the wider community. A return to live music-making has been so motivating after such a long period of virtual rehearsals and lessons. Our performances at Lesnes Abbey, ourE81A0892 Christmas and Spring concerts and just this last weekend, our fundraising concert in aid of Ukraine charities, were so positive and welcome. It has been inspiring to witness the talent and resilience of our young performers who continue to progress and excel despite the difficulties experienced during the pandemic. We are looking forward to building on the successes of the past year in the future, expanding and diversifying our provision to reach an ever-growing group of children and young people, across Bexley and beyond.

Andrew Raybould, Deputy Headteacher

Since entering London South East Academies Trust, we have noticed a phenomenal response from schools we work in partnership with. Our two-way relationships have gone from strength to strength with support from the Trust. Aside from the growth, we continue to enjoy, this year has been particularly special as we have been able to come together again to rehearse and perform. There was a period of time when our service was in jeopardy, so we are overjoyed to not only survive - but thrive. Overall, everything we have achieved this year has been a highlight, and I am sure there will only be more to come.